Give the Gift of Life Today

Today, you can partner with Focus on the Family to save a mother and her baby from the tragedy of abortion. Whether you are interested in supporting life saving services at a pregnancy resource center or helping a mom meet her baby for the first time, your gift today can save a precious life from abortion. Will you step up and make a difference?
Today, you can partner with Focus on the Family to save a mother and her baby from the tragedy of abortion. Will you step up and make a difference?

Give Now!

Explore Ways You Can Make an Impact

Logo for Option Ultrasound by Focus on the Family over ultrasound imagery.

Help a Mom See Life

Every day, countless lives hang in the balance as vulnerable mothers face difficult decisions about their pregnancies. By donating $60 to Focus on the Family, you have the incredible opportunity to save a baby’s life and provide hope and support to mothers in need.

Your $60 gift directly funds ultrasound services, allowing expectant mothers to see their babies for the first time. This powerful experience can be the turning point in choosing life.

Nurse looking at ultrasound with female patient

Train a Nurse to Serve Women

Did you know that abortion pills can be reversed after they are taken? A gift of $500 or $42/month can train a nurse at a local pregnancy resource center to administer the abortion pill reversal, a critical life-saving action for mothers in immediate need.

Empower a nurse to offer a second chance to women who regret taking the abortion pill and ensure nurses have the skills and knowledge they need to provide compassionate care and this life-affirming solution to women in desperate need.

Woman standing outside pregnancy center with 'Options' sign

Help a Mother Choose Life for Her Baby

For just $18, you can make a critical difference in the life of an abortion-minded mother by connecting her to her local pregnancy resource center through My Choice Network.

My Choice Network is a direct link to get women in an unexpected pregnancy to find help immediately. This digital space provides medically sound information and connects her with a local pregnancy center that can help.

Pregnant woman smiling and looking at an ultrasound screen during a medical examination.

Still Unsure Where to Make an Impact?

That’s okay! We’ll put your gift to work immediately by helping introduce a mother to her baby through Focus on the Family’s Option Ultrasound Program. It takes just $60 to help save the life of one preborn baby and you’ll also support our My Choice Network online search and abortion pill reversal training. Your life-saving support today can save a life!